It’s simple – we can do what we do, because you give what you give. If you find the ministry of First Presbyterian Church meaningful to you, if it inspires you, if it encourages you, if it challenges you, then help us continue this for you and for others. Please make a pledge to support this ministry financially. Kind of like PBS, every gift, no matter how big or small matters.


Fill out the pledge form below, and then you can set up automatic payments, you can write a check and mail it in, give online, text your gift, or even Venmo it to the church. If you’d like an automatic payment set up, check the box indicating that, and we’ll reach out to you. Info on making your pledge payments in other ways is all located on the GIVE page.


Thank you for your generosity! Together, we can impact lives and bring hope to the world!


If this pledge is a joint or family pledge, the additional family members to whom this pledge should apply includes:

COMMITMENT TO DONATE: I/We commit to payments to support the ministry of the church in the amount of:

Choose Frequency (weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly)

PER CAPITA is a way our church supports the ministry of the national Presbyterian Church USA denomination. We ask that everyone who is a formal member of the church consider adding $46 to their pledge. That is how much we, as a church, send per member to the national offices for the work of the larger church. If you want to help with this commitment, please indicate below.

Per Capita Contrubtion I will be making in additon to my pledge:

Please check the boxes below for those that apply to you: