There isn’t a moment in scripture when God isn’t concerned with justice and service (what we call mission). It is also at the heart of who we are as a church. We are the Body of Christ, sharing God’s love in concrete ways. Come join us to make a real difference in our neighborhood and in the world as together we answer the call of God: “Let your Kingdom come on earth.”



Along with over 20 congregations, we launched a new justice ministry in Lincoln/Lancaster County called JUSTICE IN ACTION. 


We are working to identify justice issues that collectively we can do something about …. and then we’re going to do something about them!


Click the link below to find out about our FPC Justice Ministry Team and how to be involved in this new endeavor.


God never stops loving us. That message is woven through our communion services, the cross, and our call to love our neighbors as ourselves.


Under the umbrella of Nebraskans for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, we visit death row prisoners on a quarterly basis throughout the year. We do not deny the seriousness of the crimes committed, we simply acknowledge that we are called to love all people without exception, and we keep in mind Jesus’ words:


“Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; … for I was in prison and you visited me…. just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”


Matthew 25:31-40


Interested in volunteering? Click the “Contact” tab in the menu and let us know.


Food is an important part of life – and the connection to the earth and our history that it nurtures in us.


In partnership with Community Crops and Jacob’s Well we provide community garden space in our neighborhood. 28 families in our neighborhood farm plots in this garden. Some do it for the enjoyment it brings, some for the food it supplies, some for the connection it provides to the land and the homes they left in other counties. A beautiful, rich community grows in our garden!


McPhee Elementary School is just two blocks from our church in the heart of one of the most ethnically diverse and economicatlly challenged areas of Lincoln.


This is a special partnership in our hearts, as we’ve beek working together for decades.  We host McPhee’s English Language Learners classes for parents, we judge their annual Science Fair, we provide reading mentors, with the Food Bank of Lincoln, distribute food to student families every month, organize the end of the year SPLASH event that has games, food and books to encourage summer learning. We even provide underwear and coats and more, in addition to trying to bring a show of appreciate and support to the staff throughout the year.


Our Arts for the Soul Concert Series also arranges when possible for our guest musicians to visit McPhee so that the students can experience music that they may otherwise never have the chance to hear.

Intersted in volunteering? click the “Contact” tab and let us know.


The Gathering Place is about “hunger relief and healthy food access.” They provide hot dinners every day of the year.


We provide teams of volunteers the first Tuesdays of the month to cook, serve, and cleanup, and get to know the guiests who come for a meal and company.


We believe no one should have to be hungry. We are grateful for teh Gathering Place for providing this service, and for our volunteers show up every first Tuesday. If you’re intersted in voluntteering for a serving team, click the “Contact” tab and let us know.


In our neighborhood are people from many different cultures, countries, and faith traditions. Yet one thing we all have in common is the need to express gratitude.


In partnership with many others, we help organize an Interfaith Thanksgiving Service for our neighborhood and wider Lincoln community.


This is typically held on the Sunday immediately before Thanksgiving, and the joy of hosting is rotated among many religious traditions.


Check out the “Events” tab in the menu as we get close to Thanksgiving to find out about the next service.


The Arts for the Soul Concert Series has been an important part of our church ministry for over 10 years. We not only enjoy world class music, we also reach out to local schools to share the joy of music, and to offer classes.


We have also used the concert series to highlight issues of importance, such as ecology and care of creation, and interfaith and intercultural relationships.


The Annual Sing from the Heart Concert is a fundraiser for one of our community partners. We have enjoyed choir concerts, story tellers, and learned about the important work done by our partners in our community. A highlight is always the cheesecake or ice cream enjoyed during the concert!


For over 25 years we have provided space for men and women seeking support to deal with addiction to alcohol.


While in a way all we do is provide space, the relationships we have built with the men and women who come here for meetings has been an important part loving our community, and ourselves.


Visit their website to find out more about them, and to find meetings.


Yes, we have a little free library with a seating area for neighbors to enjoy an outdoor lunch, read a book, or just rest. Thanks to donations we keep a selection of books available for anyone to borrow.


One of our greatest privileges is working in partnership with others to celebrate, to work for justice, and to make care for people. We can’t do half of what we do without our amazing community partners who are themselves working to make a difference in our community. Check them out at the link below to find out more about them, and if you’re looking for ways to volunteer, check out their websites.


There are many in our neighborhood who work together to the good  of all. We have amazing community partners who join with us in loving our neighborhood. Please check them out, learn more about them, and find opportunities to support them and volunteer.


Lighthouse has helped thousands of middle and high school students become successful adults by providing them with a safe, loving environment where they could come after school. Programs like mentoring, tutoring and academic support, activities, and nutritious snacks and meals have been the foundation that has made it possible for our students to thrive.

We have several dog/handler teams who visit the Lighthouse several times a month, as well as individuals who volunteer as needed. If you’d like to be a part of the wonderful work Lighthouse is doing, click the Volunteer link below

McPhee Elementary is just two blocks from our church in the heart of one of the most ethnically diverse areas of Lincoln with a student breakdown of: 25% Caucasian 15% African American/Black 12% Asian, 39% Hispanic, and 9% other.


They are also located in one of the most economically challenged areas of Lincoln.


Our partnership with McPhee is well established and involves several areas including ESL, reading mentors, providing food, diapers, coats, and more.

Our goal at the Gathering Place is to provide food and nourishment to all who may need it, supporting achievement of our agency’s mission to empower people living in poverty to reach economic stability.

We have teams who serve meals on the first Tuesdays of the Month.  If you’d like to be part of a team, let us know! Contact the church office to be connected with our Gathering Place volunteer coordinator. (info@fpclincoln.org)


The Gathering Place sometimes has needs for additional volunteers in other capacities.  contact Georgann Roth, their Volunteer Resources Coordinator, at groth@communityactionatwork.org, or 402-875-9320

A faith-inspired organization, Clinic with a Heart serves people who are uninsured and underinsured through a ministry of healthcare. Our volunteers provide free healthcare with hospitality, dignity, 

and grace.   


A team from First Presbyterian volunteers at CWH every month, and we hold regular collections for supplies.

Community Crops provides education, advocacy and experiences to grow local food. In partnership with neighbors, Community Crops manages gardens all over the Lincoln community.


The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. You are invited to this covenant community of envisioning a graceful and inviting church – a church reaching out; offering the gospel to a world in need and gratefully welcoming the gifts of all whom God calls to ministry and service.

We believe we are called to service. Faith isn’t just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we are called to be disciples, going out into the world, sharing our faith in personal relationships, and acting on our faith in the public sphere. In other words, we believe we are called to service for the sake of the whole world.  We are called to be a light. We are a member of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians. The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole. The Covenant Network seeks to support the mission and unity of the Presbyterian Church (USA); articulate and act on the church’s historic, progressive vision; work for a fully inclusive church; and find ways to live out the graciously hospitable gospel by living together with all our fellow members in the PC(USA).