“God has pulled the powerful down from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. God has filled the hungry with good things. . . .” - Luke 1

Scrooge’s story reminds us that redemption is possible for all of us. What would that kind of 180 degree turn look like for you? Just as God’s presence was born anew into this world, we too can be born anew, woken up and redeemed into renewed life, joy, passion, generosity, humility
and love. Join us for worship this Advent and Christmas season, as we explore the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge, and the power of God to enter our lives and redeem them.


Sundays at 10 am in person and online

Dec 1 (1st Sunday of Advent): Bah, Humbug! Making Change

Dec. 8 (2nd Sunday of Advent): The Remembrance of Christmas Past

Dec. 15 (3rd Sunday of Advent): The Life of Christmas Present

Dec. 22 (4th Sunday of Advent): The Hope of Christmas Future

Christmas Eve Worship (Dec. 24): The Redemption of Scrooge

•  4:30 PM - Come for an early celebration of Christ’s birth at a service that speaks to the child among us – and in us.
•  7:00 PM - Join us for an evening celebration of Christ’s birth featuring a Lessons & Carols service with our wonderful choir and brass.

Dec. 29 (Sunday after Christmas): A Christmas Carol: Where Do We Go From Here? - A special service with your favorite hymns and Christmas scriptures, and a reflection on the meaning of Christmas.


Bah, Humbug! Making Change?

Delve into the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past, as we learn how revisiting our past can uncover seeds of hope for the future, and how the birth of a child heralded a new era of promise and compassion for all.

The Remembrance of Christmas Past

This video is part two of the sermon "Bah, Humbug! or Making Change?". Don't miss this opportunity to experience the joy of Christmas and the profound message of hope. 

The Life of Christmas Present

This week we take inspiration from the Ghost of Christmas Present and explore the themes of gratitude and generosity. Let's unwrap the gift of Christmas Present to experience its transformative power during the holiday season and our lives every day of the year.