We know visiting a church for worship for the first time can be a little unnerving. We can help! Fill out the form and let us know what Sunday you’d like to visit.
We WELCOME children in worship! They are a gift from God and where better to be than in the midst of God’s people? We recognize that younger children can be sometimes squirmy and are not always the quietest of worshipers – and that’s OK!
When you come, you will be warmly welcomed by our greeters, and handed a worship guide, which will tell you about what happens during worship, and about other events going on in the life of the church.
We are a very loving and flawed group of people. We try to walk in Christ’s footsteps, and sometimes we do well, and other times not so well.
Welcome to our website! If you have made it this far, then you have found something that at the very least piques your curiosity, or resonates with the journey you are on. We are all on a journey of life, seeking meaning, seeking belonging, and I hope, seeking joy, as we explore the intersections between faith and life.
We are a very loving and flawed group of people. We try to walk in Christ’s footsteps, and sometimes we do well, and other times not so well. It is actually those times when we don’t do so well that are the most important for us, for when we become aware of how we have failed to love as Christ loves, we have an opportunity to look at ourselves and learn from that, which helps us to not only deepen our own faith, but to enrich our relationships with others. I’ll be honest – if you are perfect, this may not be the right church for you! You may become frustrated with our imperfections. But if you are simply needing a place to accept you as you are, if you are looking for a church home where you are loved in spite of your flaws, if you are looking for people who share your journey, if you are looking for a place to make a difference, and if you want to be a part of something special, then there’s a place for you here.
What else will you find? You will find a unique collection of people who come from different places, speak different languages, love differently, think differently, and who have vastly different ideas and opinions, and yet still come together to worship, to work, to care for each other, to learn, and to make this world a better place. If that speaks to you, then there’s a place for you here. Watch a short video to learn more about who we are.
No matter what letter you identify with, or no letter,
you are welcome here!
For too long LGBTQIA+ individuals have not found a welcome in churches. Here you will find welcome, without exception. You are free to be yourself as God made you. You are welcome to be married here, to raise your family here, and to grow with us as followers of Christ. Here you are welcome in leadership, and here you will be loved.
In general worship services are about 60-70 minutes, leaning more toward the 60 minutes for most services.
We are a “Come as you are” kind of church. You’ll find people in suits and dresses, and people in jeans, shorts, and t-shirts. So be comfortable!
We WELCOME children in worship! They are a gift from God and where better to be than in the midst of God’s people? We recognize that younger children can be sometimes squirmy and are not always the quietest of worshipers – and that’s OK! “Make a joyful noise to the Lord”. Says the psalmist. We know that children learn by osmosis – hearing, watching, and doing – which is why we have created a special CHILDREN’S WORSHIP AREA just inside the entrance to the sanctuary, right up front, so they can see all that is going on in worship. The Children’s Worship Area is filled with quiet toys, children’s books, coloring activities, etc. so that while their creative minds are occupied and at play, they can still observe, hear, and participate in worship. We also realize that sometimes parents are more anxious about their children’s antics than other worshipers, so if at any time you feel you want to step out to attend to your child or give them a break, we do have a COMFORT ROOM. It is located outside the North sanctuary doors (the ones at the front of the church). Just exit those doors, walk down the hallway, and it is the first door on the right. It is not staffed; however, we do stream the worship service into that room, so if you need to step out for a short time, turn on the TV and you can still be a part of the worship, and then come back into the sanctuary when you’re ready!
Suggestions to make worship more fun for your kids:
Sit toward the front of the sanctuary where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on. They tire of seeing the back of other people’s heads!
Explain the parts of the worship service to help them understand what’s going on. There are pictures next to each part of the service in the worship guide to help your child know what we’re doing.
When the congregation sings, invite your child to try singing along. When the congregation prays, invite your child to pause their activity and pray as well. They learn by copying you!
If at any time you do need to leave the service with your child, feel free to do so and know what we encourage you to come back. As Jesus said, “let the little children come to me.”
When you come, you will be warmly welcomed by our greeters, and handed a worship guide, which will tell you about what happens during worship, and about other events going on in the life of the church. You are welcome to sit anywhere! No one will look at you funny if you are “in their pew.” However, they will probably introduce themselves and welcome you. During the announcements, everyone is invited to fill out a CONNECTION CARD (in your bulletin or online at fpclincoln.org/connect). These cards help us know who is with us and for those guests who wish, it gives us an opportunity to connect with you during the week for coffee and/or conversation. Sometimes people write down prayer requests, and you can even use it to let us know what you’re interested in or what questions you have. We collect the cards during the offering time towards the end of the service. We encourage you to put down your contact info if you are comfortable with that. We don’t share information with anyone, nor will we spam you. You will NOT be asked to stand up and introduce yourselves to the congregation!
A Guide
When you’re new, it’s nice to have a guide so you know what’s going on. The bulletin will guide you through the worship service. You can scan the QR code on the pew if you’d rather use a digital version.
Large Print
Need large print? Just ask and usher when you enter the sanctuary.
When you see an asterisk (*) in the bulletin that is an invitation to rise in body or spirit as you wish.
Speaking Together
Bold print in the guide indicates where we speak in unison. Don’t know one of our traditional prayers? No problem – they’re included in the guide. We come from different faith traditions and some from no faith tradition, so we recognize that what is traditional for one may not be for someone else. You may join in or not as you wish.
You’ll notice symbols beside every section of the bulletin. These symbols sometimes make it easier for children, individuals with autism, and even people losing cognitive functions, to know what is going on and to follow along.
We use the purple Glory to God hymnal, located in the pew racks. Hymns are indicated with a number located at the top of the page. (This is different from the page numbers at the bottom of the page.)
Don’t want to sing? That’s OK! Some of our attendees sing with gusto, others prefer to just enjoy other’s singing.
Closing Music
After the benediction (the closing words and blessing), most people choose to stay seated for the postlude. If you wish to stay, following the benediction (the pastor’s last words), sit down and enjoy the music, or leave as you need or desire.
We receive an offering at every service. This is an opportunity for those who wish to support the ministry of the church, or to give in gratitude for what they have received. As a guest, please do not feel obligated to give unless you feel so moved. We typically pass plates toward the end of the service for people to put their offering in. (We also collect the Connection Cards in the offering plates at the same time.) Many of our members give electronically, by text or Venmo, and we also have offering boxes near the two main exits from the sanctuary if you wish to give as you exit. If you’d like to give online, you can do so here: GIVE ONLINE. You’ll find all the links and info for online giving, text giving, giving by Venmo, and other ways there.
Communion involves sharing a common loaf of bread and cup. We retell the story of Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, and then share that bread and juice with all who are present. The language of communion may sound strange to those who did not grow up with it. We talk about the bread being Christ’s body broken for us and the juice being Christ’s blood shed for us. Presbyterians do not believe that the bread and juice of communion are the literal body and blood of Christ. We do believe that Christ is truly and really present through this sacred meal, to strengthen us and guide us.
We typicaly use Udi’s White Sandwich Bread, which is gluten and corn free, and Welch’s Grape Juice. If you are worshipping online, we encourage you to use whatever is convenient. God’s spirit and power is not limited by distance, and God can use whatever we bring to communion for the bread and cup. Even donuts and coffee!
Christ welcomed all, and so do we. That means that everyone, without exception (age, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership, understanding, etc.), is welcome to participate in communion. It is offered on the first Sunday of the month.
• In the East Entrance, there is a lift on left side of the gray wall that will take you to the main level.
• There is a lift to Great Hall.
• At the Main Office entrance on 17th St., there is a ramp to access the building.
• The elevator to access all three floors is located near the sanctuary.
The sanctuary, Great Hall, and Fellowship Hall are all equipped with a hearing loop to aid those with hearing difficulties. If your hearing aid is equipped with a telecoil (T-coil), have your audiologist activate it, and you will be able to switch your hearing aid to t-coil and the sound system will broadcast directly to your hearing aid.
We also have some portable hearing devices equipped with t-coils. Just ask an usher to get one for you.
If the church services are canceled due to winter weather, that announcement will be posted on our website, and:
We know it can be scary to come into a new worship place. You may not know anyone, you may not be sure where to go or what is expected, so if you’ve got questions, let us know, or if you’d like someone to meet you at our East Entrance doors (off of 18th St.), just let us know.
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